

April 17-19 2024 · 3rd Edition

April 17-19 2024

A Chain-Agnostic Conference


Enrico Bottazzi, Ethereum Foundation

Enrico Bottazzi

Cryptography Engineer @ Ethereum Foundation.

Facundo Medica, Binary Builders

Facundo Medica

Cosmos SDK Engineer @ Binary Builders.

David Juan Garcia, Arbitrum Foundation

David Juan Garcia

Ecosystem Growth & Program Manager @ Arbitrum Foundation.​

Daniel Lumi, zkSync and Matter Labs

Daniel Lumi

Senior Product Manager @ ZK Stack of zkSync and Matter Labs.​

Omar Espejel, Starknet Foundation

Omar Espejel

Developer Advocate @ Starknet Foundation.​

Ignasi Ramos, Polygon Labs

Ignasi Ramos

zkEVM Engineer @ Polygon Labs.

Pol Lanski, DAppNode

Pol Lanski

COO at @ DAppNode.

Edgar Rootalu, Nansen

Edgar Rootalu

Engineering Manager @ Nansen.

David Garcia, NFT Price Floor

David Garcia

CEO and Co-Founder @ NFT Price Floor.

Mykola Siusko, Web3 Privacy Now

Mykola Siusko

Core Contributor @ Web3 Privacy Now.

Caron Schaller, CoinMetrics

Caron Schaller

Protocol Specialist @ CoinMetrics.​

David Monras, Blockchain Cloud Engineer @ Stakin

David Monras

Blockchain Cloud Engineer @ Stakin.​

Laryssa Medeiros, Web3 Socials @ Injective Labs

Laryssa Medeiros

Web3 Socials @ Injective Labs.

Gino Cingolani, Product Lead @ Decentraland DAO

Gino Cingolani

Product Lead @ Decentraland DAO.​

Tony Rocco Valentine, Software Engineer @ Dedaub

Tony Rocco Valentine

Software Engineer @ Dedaub.​

Riccardo Pagano, Program Manager @ Outlier Ventures

Riccardo Pagano

Program Manager @ Outlier Ventures.

Robbie Kruszynski, Developer Relations @ Chronicles

Robbie Kruszynski

Developer Relations. Prev @ Blockdaemon, Consensys.​

Adrià Torralba-Agell, PhD on Blockchain Security and Scalability @ UOC's KISON Research

Adrià Torralba-Agell

PhD Candidate in Blockchain Security and Scalability @ UOC’s KISON Research Group.​

Sam Ricotta, Cosmos SDK Developer Relations Engineer @ Binary Builders

Sam Ricotta

Cosmos SDK Developer Relations Engineer @ Binary Builders.​

Jose Luis Muñoz-Tapia, Director of Master in Blockchain Tech @ UPC Barcelona

Jose Luis Muñoz-Tapia

Director of Master in Blockchain Tech @ UPC Barcelona.​

Pierre Daix-Moreux, Cryptography Researcher and Engineer at Ethereum Foundation

Pierre Daix-Moreux

Cryptography Researcher and Engineer @ Ethereum Foundation’s PSE team.​

Robert Dowling, Program Manager and Engineer at Filecoin

Robert Dowling

Program Manager and Engineer @ Filecoin.​

George Agapov, Protocol Engineer at o1Labs and Mina Protocol

George Agapov

Protocol Engineer @ o1Labs and Mina Protocol.​

Gilad Woltsovitch, Head of Revelator Labs, the Web3 arm of Revelator

Gilad Woltsovitch

Head @ Revelator Labs, the Web3 arm of Revelator.​

Joel Titus, Community Advocate @ Chainlink

Joel Titus

Community Advocate @ Chainlink.​

Ghazaleh Keshavarz Kalhori, Cryptography Researcher @ UAB's SeNDA Research Group

Ghazaleh Keshavarz Kalhori

Blockchain Researcher @ UAB’s SeNDA Lab.​

Ivan FB, Software Engineer @ Waku

Ivan FB

Software Engineer @ Waku

Jan Ellwitz, Biz Dev and Venture @ DoraHacks

Jan Ellwitz

Biz Dev and Venture @ DoraHacks.​

Dmitry Gusakov, Tech Lead @ Lido

Dmitry Gusakov

Tech Lead @ Lido.​

Sandusky, Developer Relations at Fuel Network


Developer Relations @ Fuel Network

Drew Roberson, Co-Founder at

Drew Roberson

Co-Founder @​

Marouane Essaïdi, Grant Development Representative at Solana

Marouane Essaïdi

Grant Development Representative @ Solana.​

Christian Gascons, COO and Co-Founder at Games for a Living (GFAL)

Christian Gascons

COO and Co-Founder @ Games for a Living (GFAL)

Vlad Ponimajushij, Founder @ PostHuman

Vlad Ponimajushij

Founder @ PostHuman.​

Sarah Thiam, Filecoin Dev Advocate at Protocol Labs

Sarah Thiam

Filecoin Dev Advocate @ Protocol Labs.​

Joan Alavedra, Co-Founder at Openfort

Joan Alavedra

Co-Founder @ Openfort

Marie Siegrist, Head of Marketing @ Kiln

Marie Siegrist

Head of Marketing @ Kiln.​

Johann Bich, DevOps Engineer @ LiFi

Johann Bich

Senior DevOps Engineer @ LiFi.​

Cosmin Gafta, Business Development @ Open

Cosmin Gafta

Business Development @ Open

Arnau Sabaté, BizDev and Marketing @ Revelator

Arnau Sabaté

BizDev and Marketing @ Revelator.​

Nicklas Dunham, CCO @ Spielworks GmbH.

Nick Dunham

CCO @ Spielworks GmbH.​

Hassan Malik, Senior Software Engineer @ MetaMask (Consensys).

Hassan Malik

Senior Software Engineer @ MetaMask (Consensys).

Chuy García. DVT Project Lead @ Ethereum Mexico. Community Manager @ Dappnode.

Chuy García

DVT Project Lead @ Ethereum Mexico.
Community Manager @ DAppNode.​

Day Tickets Now Available (limited qty)


April 17th to 19th (Wed-Fri)
Every day starts at 3:30PM

Wednesday 17th — Stage Arenas

3:30PM — Doors Open

3:45PM — Opening Ceremony Keynote on “‘Real World’ Media Assets: On-ramping royalties for a better creative economy”.
Gilad Woltsovitch. Head @ Revelator Labs, the Web3 arm of Revelator.

4:00PM — Panel on “What it takes to be a Pro Validator?”
David Monras, Blockchain Cloud Engineer @ Stakin.
Vladimir Ponimajushij, Founder @ Post Human.
Drew Roberson, Co-Founder @

5:00PM — Talk on “Who made all the money? Onchain PnL dissected”
Edgar Rootalu, Engineering Manager @ Nansen.

6:00PM — Talk on “A brief introduction to folding and its applications”
Pierre Daix-Moreux, Cryptography Researcher and Engineer @ Ethereum Foundation’s PSE team.​.

7:00PM — Panel on “Web3 Gaming”
Christian Gascons, COO and Co-Founder @ Games for a Living (GFAL).
Joan Alavedra, Co-Founder @ Openfort.
Nicklas Dunham, CCO @ Spielworks GmbH.

8:00PM — Food, drinks and networking on the roof terrace.

11:00PM — Doors close

Wednesday 17th — Stage Cantina

3:30PM — Doors Open

4:00PM — Talk on “Expanding the Cosmos: building blockchains with the Cosmos SDK”.
Facundo Medica, Cosmos SDK Engineer @ Binary Builders.

4:40PM — Talk on “Demystifying Arbitrum Orbit”.
David Juan Garcia, Ecosystem Growth & Program Manager @ Arbitrum Foundation.

5:20PM — Talk on “Rise of The Hyperchain”.
Daniel Lumi, Senior Product Manager @ ZK Stack of zkSync and Matter Labs.

6:00PM — Panel on “Cosmos and Ethereum Converging into one ecosystem?”
Samantha Ricotta, Cosmos SDK Developer Relations Engineer @ Binary Builders.
Drew Roberson, Co-Founder @
Caron Schaller, Protocol Specialist @ CoinMetrics.

7:00PM — Talk on “Scaling Ethereum: the power of UTXO”.
Sandusky, Developer Relations @ Fuel Network.

7:30PM — Talk on “Playbook of a web3 early stage founder”.
Riccardo Pagano, Program Manager @ Outlier Ventures.

8:00PM — Food, drinks and networking on the roof terrace.

11:00PM — Doors close

Thursday 18th — Stage Arenas

3:30PM — Doors Open

3:45PM — Flash Talk on “MEV as a centralizing force and Smoothing Pools as the knight in shining armor”.
Pol Lanski, COO at @ DAppNode.

4:00PM — Dual Talk, Masterclass on “Demistifying a zkEVM” (1h30min).
Jose Luis Muñoz-Tapia, Director of Master in Blockchain Tech @ UPC Barcelona.
Ignasi Ramos, zkEVM Engineer @ Polygon Labs.

5:30PM — Talk on “(Re)Staking how to continue to create value creation in the digital assets ecosystem?”
Marie Siegrist, Head of Marketing @ Kiln.

6:00PM — Talk on “Zero-knowledge applications on Mina”.
George Agapov, Protocol Engineer @ o1Labs and Mina Protocol.

6:40PM — Talk on “Waku – The Web3 Communication Layer”.
Ivan FB, Software Engineer @ Waku.

7:20PM — Talk on “How to predict the impact of EVM upgrades”.
Tony Rocco Valentine, Software Engineer @ Dedaub.

8:00PM — Web3FC Official Party @ Bridge48
Bridge48 is 3min walk from Aticco Bogatell.

Thursday 18th — Stage Cantina

3:30PM — Doors Open

4:00PM — Panel on “The Future of NFTs”.
Arnau Sabaté, BizDev and Marketing @ Revelator.
David Garcia, CEO and Co-Founder @ NFT Price Floor.
Cosmin Gafta, Business Development @ Open.

5:00PM — Panel on “Fostering Adoption & Growth”.
Olusegun Joel Titus, Community Advocate @ Chainlink.
Sarah Thiam, Filecoin Dev Advocate @ Protocol Labs.
Chuy García. Community Manager @ DAppNode and DVT Project Lead @ Ethereum Mexico.

6:00PM — Flash Talk on “Unveiling Voting Challenges and Significance of MACI”.
Jan Ellwitz, Biz Dev and Venture @ DoraHacks.

6:15PM — Flash Talk on “The problems of metaverse public infrastructure”.
Gino Cingolani, Product Lead @ Decentraland DAO.

6:30PM — Flash Talk on “Transitory Tales: Mapping Solana User Patterns Over Time”
Caron Schaller, Protocol Specialist @ CoinMetrics.

6:45PM — Flash Talk on “Golden rules of a Web3 DevOps”.
Johann Bich, Senior DevOps Engineer @ LiFi.

7:00PM — Talk on “Starknet is Ethereum’s Answer to Solana”.
Omar Espejel, Developer Advocate @ Starknet Foundation.

8:00PM — Web3FC Official Party @ Bridge48
Bridge48 is 3min walk from Aticco Bogatell.

Thursday 18th, 8PM — Official Party by Revelator Labs

Join us at Bridge48 for the Official Web3FC Party.

Bridge48 is 3min walk from Aticco Bogatell.

Friday 19th — Stage Arenas

3:30PM — Doors Open

3:45PM — Talk on “MetaMask Snaps: Embracing the Chain-Agnostic Future”
Hassan Malik, Senior Software Engineer @ MetaMask (Consensys).

4:00PM — Talk on “A Verifiable Federated Learning Scheme based on zkSNARKs and Blockchain”.
Ghazaleh Keshavarz Kalhori, Blockchain Researcher @ UAB’s SeNDA Lab.

4:40PM — Talk on “Security Analysis of Blockchain Layer 2 Scalability Solutions: a Survey”.
Adrià Torralba-Agell, PhD Candidate in Blockchain Security and Scalability @ UOC’s KISON Research Group.

5:20PM — Talk on “How Lido makes Ethereum validation more accessible”.
Dmitry Gusakov, Tech Lead @ Lido.

6:00PM — Talk on “Introducing Revelator Labs and the Original Works Protocol”.
Gilad Woltsovitch, Head @ Revelator Labs, the Web3 arm of Revelator.

7:00PM — Talk on “Filecoin, IPFS, Interplanetary Consensus: the Filecoin Stack Explained (in Plain Language)”.
Robert Dowling, Program Manager and Engineer @ Filecoin.

8:00PM — Food, drinks and networking on the roof terrace.

11:00PM — Doors close

Friday 19th — Stage Cantina

3:30PM — Doors Open

4:00PM — Panel on “Privacy in Web3”.
Mykola Siusko, Core Contributor @ Web3Privacy Now.
Ivan FB, Software Engineer @ Waku.
Daniel Lumi, Senior Product Manager @ ZK Stack of zkSync and Matter Labs.

5:00PM — Open Mic Session (Off The Record)
Have something you’d like to share? That’s your opportunity!
Everyone’s welcome to participate in this open mic.  Pick any topic you like such as “fuck up story”,  “startup pitch”, “crypto parody” (i.e.  act like Vitalik Buterin / Amir Taki / etc), “how the f*ck I got into crypto”, or others.
This is NOT video recorded. Feel free to take risks and try things for the first time. Feel free to be very open and/or controversial if needed.
We can record your session on request.

6:00PM — Talk on “Beyond Monoliths: Pioneering Modular Blockchains with Cosmos”.
Samantha Ricotta, Cosmos SDK Developer Relations Engineer @ Binary Builders.

6:30PM — Talk on “What’s Only Possible On Solana?”
Marouane Essaïdi, Grant Development Representative @ Solana.

7:00PM — Talk on “On Chat Control and privacy-preserving applications beyond ZK”.
Enrico Bottazzi, Cryptography Engineer @ Ethereum Foundation.

8:00PM — Food, drinks and networking on the roof terrace.

11:00PM — Doors close

Day Tickets Now Available (limited qty)


Diamond Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors


Formalizing long term collaborations.

Akasha Hub Barcelona, Aticco, Epitech: partners of Web3FC and Web3 Family
Akasha Hub Barcelona, Aticco, Epitech: partners of Web3FC and Web3 Family


Builders of industry leading organisations.

Web3FC, past speakers
Web3FC, past speakers

About us

At Web3 Family, we run grassroots crypto community events in Barcelona. And this, all year long.

The 3rd Edition aka Web3FC³
Web3FC¹ was in December 2022. Web3FC² was in September 2023.

35+ Events And 2 Conferences
…since our launch in April 2022. This makes us the most active in-person crypto community in Spain.

Event Types
 1. Web3 Family Conference, our largest gathering.
 2. Educational meetups ranging from talks, debates and workshops.
 3. Social gatherings such as public and private dinners.


Web3 Family meetup on Stablecoins with Julian Nesk of kartpatkey and GnosisDAO
Web3 Family meetup on Barceloneta Beach in Barcelona

Friendly, cosy and casual despite the high quality of the participants.

Talks, Panels, Workshops & Public Debates
When appropriate, talks & panels are usually be followed by a public debate where everyone gets the chance to share their experience and opinion.

Conferences That Inspire Us
EthCC, DevCon, DevConnect and EthPrague.

Talks are in English but as for all our past events, other languages are spoken in other parts of the gathering.



Aticco Coworking Space

Aticco Bogatell

A modern venue in the heart of Poblenou.

One of Barcelona’s most vibrant and popular neighborhoods.